Cheers Big Ears, 2022
The Cartoon Museum, London did a call out for artworks about boris johnson’s time as Prime Minister, from brexit to covid and corruption. I submitted a few pieces and they chose one which is incredibly raw, angry and political, which Im so proud of because this is officially my first acquisition into the collection of a museum or gallery!! The artwork they chose is mostly inspired by Partygate - where many tory politicians including the prime minister were having “work events” which included suitcases of wine and cheese! Meanwhile the UK was in Lockdown, mourning loved ones, unable to go to funerals or anything with our communities. This government are so corrupt, our lives are a game to them. They steal, cut from public services, give dodgy contracts to their rich greedy friends, and they get to run off and live their own greedy rich lives after they resign in disgrace. This artwork features details of Tory Scum on a plate of poo, the british public shovelling it down meanwhile a long list of atrocities keeps getting longer. I submitted two artworks, one was a direct quote from boris johnson and the other was this angry, guttural illustration which came straight from my heart and Im so happy it was the artwork they chose to purchase.