Feminist Arthur Meme, 2016

hand embroidery of Arthur cartoon meme of his fist balled up with a sewing needle and red thread in hand with yellow sleeve and jeans. Text “When you remember that historically, embroidery hasnt been taken seriously as a medium because its ‘women’s

Hand embroidery on calico, 8cm x 8cm

I created this iconic embroidery when this screenshot from Arthur became a meme representing frustration. I saw illustrator and painter version so I wanted to make one for the embroiderers. The artwork was met with some controversy, but mostly reverence, love and appreciation. It opened up a global conversation about the gendered nature of textile history in Europe and the West. This piece was a catalyst for many people to start embroidering and to see embroidery as an art form in itself. It went viral across Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and was featured across many publications.


LDN, 2016


Blue Self Portrait, 2015